ENJOY Your Summer Lotion Bar
Outdoor summer activities are so much fun! But bug bites are not! Did you know some perfumes and fragrances actually attract unwanted pests, and some help to keep them away?
ENJOY Your Summer Lotion Bar nourishes summer skin to keep it soft and glowing while utilizing a combination of scents from essential oils that are naturally not bug friendly. While no claims can be made in all situations, an experience we had wearing ENJOY demonstrated its effectiveness. Talking with the neighbor outdoors in an area surrounded by the forest, gnats and other bugs flew around her face, and she kept swatting at them while we were bug free without that annoyance. Paired with ENJOY the Summer Soap, you can maximize your summer enjoyment.
Beeswax, Cocoa Butter, *Coconut Oil,* French Green Clay, Chamomile Powder
Essential OIls:* of Cedarwood, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint Rosemary, Tea Tree, Lemon, Clove Bud, Geranium, Citronella